Saturday, September 29, 2007

Like a vegetarian in a meat market...

Trying to order a wheat-free meal in a restaurant is an exercise in patience. More often than not, you are isolated in the salad portion of the menu, sans croutons. I guess that's healthy and all, but hey, every so often I need something smothered in melted cheese, OK?! Enter long as the tortilla chips are of the corn variety, you are usually safe. Rice-based dishes abound, but watch for those of the Asian persuasion, because then the soy sauce could get you.

Grocery shopping becomes a bit like detective work, too, as you scrutinize every label for wheat and its derivatives. Labelling has become much better, with warnings for common allergens, but the ingredient scan is hard habit to break.

Fortunately, many stores have specific sections (albeit small ones) which contain wheat-safe products. A handful of restaurants have offerings catering to the needs of the wheat-challenged, as well.

Some of my faves:

Trader Joe's - Grocery store of the gods, they publish a list of their gluten-free products (not the same as wheat-free, but it is usually covered here). The Organic Brown Rice Pasta is awesome, though does not translate well in cold pasta dishes.

Hawthorne Fish House - All sorts o' fish & chips, all made with rice flour. Safe for me, and damned tasty, too. Will even satisfy you Portland flour eaters out there. Do try the deep fried cheese curds...gooey heaven!

Old Spaghetti Factory - Did you read that correctly? Oh yes. They recently began offering a gluten-free pasta as a substitute in their standard spaghetti dishes. I no longer need to deny myself my occasional mizithra and clam sauce indulgence.

I am still searching for a really good pizza crust recipe/mix...

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